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Help needed for Alpha 5 application

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:29 pm
by StevieV
Hi all..

I've recently purchased Actual to create a setup file for an Alpha 5 application. I've found the help files to be almost useless, so would appreciate some clarification on a few points, particularly for creating the shortcut:

My application is called Workflow - which is currently installed as C:\Workflow - It runs through the Alpha 5 Runtime - currently in c:\Program Files (x86)

I'd like to keep both of these as the default, but I want to change the name of the Alpha 5 Runtime to Workflow CRM, so that this is displayed on setup rather than 'installing Alpha 5 Runtime"

I therefore presumably enter

1. 'Workflow CRM' for the application name ?

2. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\a5V10 Runtime' for the Source folder ?

3. 'Alpha5.exe' for the main executable ?

4. '<ProgramFiles>\<AppName>' for Desination Folder ?

5. For additional/Workflow application files - how do I get this to install to C:\Workflow ?

And for the shortcut:

1. What is the target file - the alpha 5.exe in Program files, or the Workflow.adb in C:\Workflow ?

2. What is the working directory - presumably the one that isn't the target file ?

3. Presumably; if someone chooses to install to D:\Workflow, or Program Files (x86), then the Shortcut is created by Actual Installer accordingly ?

Any help/confirmations or corrections much appreciated..

Thx, Steve

Re: Help needed for Alpha 5 application

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:01 am
by Leo
Hi Steve,

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. if so, it will install to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Workflow CRM
5. On the Installation\Additional Files and Folders page click Add Folder and select Workflow folder.

1. alpha 5.exe
2. yes
3. yes, of course.

Re: Help needed for Alpha 5 application

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:39 pm
by StevieV
Hi Leo..

Thanks for your reply: the install itself now seems to work ok - with the correct files added to : C:\Program Files (x86)\Workflow CRM, and C:\Workflow

I can't get the shortcut to work however: I've got <InstallDir>\alpha5.exe in the Target file, and <SystemDrive>\Workflow as the working directory,
but the shortcut created from this opens up Workflow CRM, but not the actual Workflow application

How do I get it to create the proper Icon Properties Target command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Workflow CRM\alpha5.exe" "C:\Workflow\Workflow.adb"

Thanks again,,


Re: Help needed for Alpha 5 application

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:22 am
by Leo
Try this:
Target file: <InstallDir>\alpha5.exe
Parameters: "<SystemDrive>\Workflow\Workflow.adb"
Working Dir: <InstallDir>