Can someone provide an example of running a simple powershell script from the app installation folder?
I can add the script to the installer, and the script gets installed fine.
But what to put in System --> Commands to execute the script from the app installation folder so far eludes me.
Run simple powershell script
Re: Run simple powershell script
Try this:
Code: Select all
File: <SystemDir>\cmd.exe
Parameters: /C powershell.exe "<InstallDir>\script.ps1"
Re: Run simple powershell script
Thanks Leo. That almost worked. Windows had a fuss about the (x86) in the path.
It worked once I added apostrophes just inside the quotation marks:
Parameters: /C powershell.exe "'<InstallDir>\PostInstall.ps1'"
It worked once I added apostrophes just inside the quotation marks:
Parameters: /C powershell.exe "'<InstallDir>\PostInstall.ps1'"
Re: Run simple powershell script
Thank you for this information.