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How to change file location to reflect user's system?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:53 pm
by Dan McKinney
I am new to all of this! Hope this question isn't too dumb...

I was hoping to use AI to distribute images files to people for use in OBS Studio slideshows, along with an associated .json file that defines the OBS "scene collections" comprised of those image files. So, a bunch of directories containing jpegs and a .json file will be installed on the recipient's system. No actual executable is being distributed.

But I need to .json file to point to wherever the image file directories are on the recipient's side. During installation, is there a way AI can replace the file locations referred to in the .json file created on my system with the new file locations on the recipient's system?

Re: How to change file location to reflect user's system?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:09 am
by Leo
Hi Dan,

If you need to copy files into standard Images/pictures folder use a variable <MyPictures>.
This variable returns the user's Picture directory: C:\Users\%UserName%\Pictures
To add file to this folder go to Files and Folders, click Add Files/Folders, select your image files, then in the Destination type:

You can also read users' image directory from Registry by using System \ Variables.