Multiple issues in 9.1

Bugs, errors in the program.
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Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by donzi2k »

Hi there. Long time user, but have not been able to reach out to anyone through main website. Here are some issues I'm experiencing:

Downloader.exe will not download from https
Uninstaller displays app name as %s
System-Commands->after/before install/uninstall don't fire off

I have some more but these are a start. please advise.

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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by donzi2k »

Couple more to add:

Close main executable & Close running application (with filename) don't close application
When setup launches, and detects a new version, it downloads and runs the new setup, but doesn't close the original.

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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by Leo »

Downloader supports secure urls (https). Please send your url at our email.
Regarding Uninstaller displays app name as %s, it seems you use old language file in the latest v9.1. There were changes in language file. Please use original file.
What commands are you trying to execute?
Close main executable & Close running application just inform user to close it.
You can add commands to automatically close exe files (System /Commands):

Code: Select all

/C taskkill /F /IM notepad.exe /T
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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by donzi2k »


I've sent emails from my work and personal without a response.

the url i'm attempting to use is:
You are ignoring the S part of http.

I had thought I created the installer package from scratch and not updated but will try again.

Here are the commands attempting to be executed. It looks like it's trying, but I can't grab the output window. I've tried various combinations of these settings.

I'll try running the kill process via command, but why have the option in the installer?


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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by donzi2k »

Hi Leo,

Creating an install package from scratch still produces the %s for the uninstaller.
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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by donzi2k »


Was able to resolve my ngen command issue by wrapping changing to "<MainExecutable>"

When does "Start Installation" trigger? I couldn't find a definition in help.


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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by Leo »

New version of Downloader 3.3 works correctly with secure connection. A download link is sent to your email.
There is no timing in commands "Strat Installation". There is "Start Uninstallation", it triggers when uninstaller is started, before asking a user to uninstall the app. "Before Uninstallation" triggers after the user clicks Yes.
Regarding the title on Uninstaller: please open language file (e.g. for English: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual Installer\Languages\English.lng"), find this setting, make sure it is correct:

Code: Select all

0=Uninstall %s
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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by donzi2k »

Hi Leo,

I've downloaded the updated downloader and will let you know if i have any issues. I had made an interim Downloader.exe but feel like I was missing something, hopefully with yours the flow will be less clunky.

thank you for clarifying the start uninstall

i did verify in the language file and appears to be correct.

thanks again
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Re: Multiple issues in 9.1

Post by Leo »

There was a bug in v9.1: when using the option "Overwrite" in the "If Previous Version is Installed", the file Uninstaller is not updated.
Old uninstaller shows in the title "%s".
This bag is fixed in new version 9.2:
Actual Installer Team
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