Write permission

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Write permission

Post by AKP »

During my installation, I copy files into the ProgramData directory (<CommonAppData><AppName>test.xml). Unfortunately, my program does not have write access to this file. I thought that write permissions were available for everyone in this folder. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
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Re: Write permission

Post by Leo »

Yes, the ProgramData folder has the write access.
Its strange that you app cannot write to this folder.
Anyway try to set the full access to the folder:

Go to the System \ Commands page, and add:

Code: Select all

File: 		<SystemDir>\icacls.exe
Parameters: 	"<CommonAppData>\<AppName>" /grant:r Users:(OI)(CI)F /T
Launch on OS: 	All
Show: 		Normal or Hide
Timing: 	After Installation
Wait: 		No
Run as admin: 	No*
More info:
https://www.actualinstaller.com/help/fa ... ullcontrol
Actual Installer Team
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri May 14, 2021 7:55 pm

Re: Write permission

Post by AKP »

That solves the problem.

Thank you
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