Need a URL to documentation on return codes

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Need a URL to documentation on return codes

Post by Zaphekiah »

Hi Leo,

I am trying to get my application published in the Microsoft Store. In order to do this, as part of their standard questionnaire, they ask for the return codes for various scenarios that might occur during a silent installation. Specifically they ask for the following codes:

Installation cancelled by user
Application already exists
Installation already in progress
Disk space is full
Reboot required
Network failure
Installation successful

I understand that Actual Installer only has two return codes, 0 for success and 1 for failure. I am hoping that this will not turn out to be a problem but I won't know until I submit my application, and one of the requirements to do this is that I provide a URL to the documentation explaining the return codes. Do you have a copy of the help manual online perhaps or another URL where I can point them to this information?

I would imagine they need to know, for example, what happens in the second scenario above where the application already exists. I know that in a normal installation the user is prompted to uninstall the application first, and this works very smoothly. But in the case of a silent install does the installer go ahead and try to uninstall the previous version without asking or does it return a code of 1?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Best regards
Richard Jefferies
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Re: Need a URL to documentation on return codes

Post by Leo »

The setup program returns only the following exit codes:
0 - Installation completed successfully.
1 - Error: The setup file is corrupted.
4 - Error: Language file was not found.
5 - Error: Prerequisite was not installed.
6 - Error: Unable to extract files.
9 - Error: Canceled by user; or error during install (access denied or others).
12 - Error: setup failed, as the app is not installed (in the update mode)
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Re: Need a URL to documentation on return codes

Post by Zaphekiah »

I tried to progress with my application to Microsoft but was unable to because I had to give the same exit code of 9 for various scenarios, for example:

Installation cancelled by user = 9 (not sure how this could even happen during a silent installation)
Disk space is full = 9
Network Failure = 9
Package rejected due to security policy = 9

The application procedure does not allow any duplicate return code values, so I couldn't get any further than this.

Is there any chance that the range of return codes could be expanded in the next or some future version of the installer to include the ones required by Microsoft Store?

Also, I did some tests of my own to check out the scenario of the program already being installed, and I saw that it is uninstalled and reinstalled without prompting which I think is fine, but I didn't get the expected output of 0 in my console window (or any value at all for that matter).

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Re: Need a URL to documentation on return codes

Post by Leo »

We will try to add more exit codes in new versions.

Please note that when using the installation with the settings (Interface "Classic Wizard", Install for "All Users"), the exit code will be 0.
It is because the setup file is launched, by default, without elevation (manifest level "AsInvoker"). Then the setup program launches itself with admin rights, and exits with code 0.

We recommend to use the interface "Modern", with the option "Run as admin" unselected. It will return correct exit codes.
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Re: Need a URL to documentation on return codes

Post by Zaphekiah »

Thanks Leo, it is good to know you are looking at this.

Just a thought but it might be a worthwhile exercise to make Actual Installer itself available on Microsoft Store, because that way not only are you guaranteed to iron out any problems in the publication process but you might also generate some sales. Anyone in my position who wants to get their Windows app onto Windows Store is likely to do a search on that very platform to find an installer that can do the same for them. I just did so and there would be a good niche for you. I saw one very basic free program, one program that is reasonably priced but as far as I can see only does silent installs, and one other program that would do everything but is very expensive for a non-corporate user. Everything else is geared to installing android apps on Windows, or for covering other very specific scenarios.
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Re: Need a URL to documentation on return codes

Post by Leo »

Thank you for this information.
We will consider the publishing our software at MS Store.
Actual Installer Team
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