Help \ Command Line Parameters & Exit Codes

Command line parameters (switches) are not case sensitive. Each path must be quoted if it contains spaces.

Command line parameters for Actual Installer (main file "actinst.exe"):

"Project File"
Opens the project file.

Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual Installer\actinst.exe" "C:\New Product.aip"

/S "Project File"
Opens and builds the project file in the silent mode. Then quits.

If the build is successful, the program returns exit code 0. If there are any errors, it returns 1.

Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual Installer\actinst.exe" /S "C:\New Product.aip"

Command line parameters for Setup Program:

/S Uses the silent mode for the installation.

/N Skips checking system requirements and software prerequisites.

Example: "C:\MySetup.exe" /N

/D Sets Destination Folder.

Example: "C:\MySetup.exe" /D "C:\New Folder".
Variables can be used as parameters, e.g.: "C:\MySetup.exe" /D "C:\<AppName>"

/DFC The user is unable to change the Destination Folder.

/L Creates a log file of errors in "%TEMP%\AISETUPLOG.TXT"

/X Use this parameter to pass an additional info to the setup program and then use it during the installation.

Example: "C:\MySetup.exe" /X "ANYTEXT"
ANYTEXT will be stored in the <ExtraVar> variable, and it can be used anywhere in the setup.

Hint: It is also possible to retrieve text from file name of setup program into this variable. Text that begins after a character _ or - is stored in the variable <ExtraVar>. For example: if the file name is Setup_Test.exe or Setup-Test.exe, then <ExtraVar> contains Test.


Launches the setup program as administrator.

Hint: It is also possible to launch the setup program as administrator if add text admin to the file name.


Installs for All Users on computer.


Installs for Current User only.

The setup program returns the following exit codes:

0 - Installation completed successfully.
1 - Error: The setup file is corrupted.
4 - Error: Language file was not found.
5 - Error: Prerequisite was not installed.
6 - Error: Unable to extract files.
9 - Error: Canceled by user; or error during install (access denied or others).
12 - Error: setup failed, as the app is not installed (in the update mode)

Command line parameters for Uninstaller:

/S Uses the silent mode for uninstallation.

Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actual Installer\Uninstall.exe" /S

Command line parameters for Actual Updater

Command line parameters for Actual Downloader